The Top 5 Most Common Findings During a Home Inspection

It’s a great feeling to find a home you like. However, before you buy, it’s essential to hire a professional home inspector to identify potential problems. Here are the top five most common findings that come to light during home inspections:

Home Inspection Report

Roofing problems

Aged or damaged shingles are indicators of serious roof damage. All shingles have a finite life expectancy, and harsh winters, hot sun, hail, and other factors can make them age faster. A damaged roof is basically a guarantee that water will leak into the home, causing a wide variety of other issues.

Faulty wiring

Exposed wiring, stripped wires, improper connections and overloaded breakers are often left over from previous renovations. Faulty wiring is a serious safety hazard.

Plumbing issues

Your home inspector may find low water pressure, leaky connections or damaged pipes. Water damage is very costly to fix, so it’s important to address any plumbing problems before they get out of control.

Damp basement

Mold, mildew, powdery residue and water stains are all issues that your Calgary home inspector will note.

Poorly ventilated attic

Poor insulation can lead to energy efficiency problems and can increase the risk of mold and other issues.

A home is one of the most valuable investments you’ll ever make. Before purchasing any home, schedule a thorough home inspection to protect your investment and uncover issues that will cost you time and money down the line. If you’re in the Calgary area, contact Accurate Home Inspections at 403-826-6111 to make your appointment today.

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