Routine Home Maintenance: How to Keep Your House in Shape

Wood Covered in Small ToolsIt is no secret that a house will degrade over time if not taken care of properly, and because a home is a major investment, it’s important to care for it. Routine home maintenance is required to keep your house in shape and to preserve its value. Performing routine home maintenance tasks can save you time and energy in the long run, especially if you’re looking to sell. Selling a house that has been regularly maintained will make the overall process easier.

There are several routine home maintenance jobs that homeowners can do to ensure that their homes remain valuable and sellable in the years to come.

Here are just a few to keep in mind:

Keep an Eye on the HVAC

There’s a good chance that in Canada your home has HVAC, also known as heating ventilation and air conditioning. These systems typically use filters, which collect the air particles circulating through our homes constantly. Therefore, they must be swapped out or cleaned with some regularity to keep them running. The frequency depends on the family: if you have less people and no pets, then 2-3 months is advised; but if it’s more people or pets, then monthly may be best.

Preserve Plumbing

Plumbing issues are exhausting but examining your plumbing on a regular basis can help eliminate issues. Checking the functionality of your drains, fixtures, flows, and waste will help your plumbing run the best it can. Plumbing issues can result in flooding, leaks, mold, and more which would create even more issues so checking it regularly is a must. A loose or leaking toilet can result in a particularly nasty mess. Simply give your toilet a nudge with your knee on occasion to ensure that it is secure.

Put Fire Safety First

If you have a fireplace in your home, you’re likely using it through the cold winters of Calgary, AB. However, it’s important to get your fireplace and chimney checked to protect your home and the people in it. A neglected fireplace and chimney can result in dangerous gases and chimney fires. Try to burn a mixture of hard and softwoods and make sure it’s dry to help reduce creosote buildup. Make chimney and fireplace inspections part of your regular routine and clean them often.

At Accurate Home Inspection, we check for these issues and more during home inspections to ensure that your home, or the home you’re purchasing, is in tip-top shape. For more information on how to get your property inspected today, call us today at 403-826-6111!

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