How a Home Inspection Could Help an Elder Homeowner

Home InspectionsGrandma’s advice? “Don’t get old.” Elderly people typically don’t have the ability to move about like they used to, and they don’t do well with change. They like old, familiar things. Have you ever tried to move an elderly person out of the house they’ve been in for years? You will get resistance from them. Meanwhile, their old, beloved house may have some maintenance issues that need attention.

If you’re wondering what to get as a gift for an older person in your life, they’d stand to benefit from a thorough, professional home inspection by Accurate Home Inspections of Calgary.

A home inspection helps identify problems that an elderly person may not realize they have in their home, such as mold, poor or disturbed insulation, leaky windows, or cracks in their foundation.

Elderly people often have limited mobility. It’s not uncommon for a person in their 80s or 90s to stay on one floor all the time because going up and down stairs is too much for them– so they may not even know their basement window is open, letting all the heat out in the winter, or that their basement recently leaked and there’s mold growing in a corner down there.

And you don’t generally see elderly people up on their roofs, checking their chimneys, shingles, skylights and gutters.

Accurate Home Inspections of Calgary can do the job of inspecting an elderly person’s home so they, their caretakers or their family know and understand what needs to be fixed or changed so the home will remain habitable for the foreseeable future.

Call 403-826-6111 or email to ask about home inspections in Calgary.

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